Medicine Adherence
Having trouble remembering to take your weight-loss medication? We've got suggestions for every lifestyle
Don't miss a dose
Medicines only work if you take them! Qsymia® should be taken every day in the morning. This may be as simple as taking it when you take your other medicines, or you may need to set up a routine to remind yourself.
Lots of things can help you remember to take Qsymia. You can:
- Set a recurring reminder in your electronic calendar
- Set an alarm on your cell phone
- Put a note on your medicine cabinet or some other location you see every morning
- Put your prescription bottle in a place where you will see it every morning
- Ask your spouse to remind you
You may also wish to keep an extra dose of Qsymia in your purse or glove compartment, in case there is a day that you forget your medicine.