Ask Your Healthcare Provider What Physical Activity Program Is Right for You
Regular exercise is key to healthy weight loss. But before you start working out, ask your doctor to help you pick a regimen right for you
Develop a plan with your healthcare provider
If you aren’t physically active on a regular basis, a walking program may be just right for you. Moderate activity, like walking, is probably safe for most people. But, before embarking on any physical activity program, please remember to discuss it with your healthcare provider. This means more than just going for a simple checkup. Be sure to ask your healthcare provider what level of physical activity is right for you and develop a plan. You may have already talked about this with your healthcare provider when you discussed Qsymia®.
Make that appointment—then get moving!
If you haven’t talked about it yet, schedule an appointment so you can talk about it soon! Physical activity can be a very important part of your weight-loss plan, so it’s important to get started as soon as your healthcare provider approves and provides direction.